Multimodal Analysis of Visual Framing in Bola Tinubu’s Presidential Campaign Video
This paper examines a political campaign video through the lens of multimodal visual and emotional framing. Focusing on a specific instance where Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the then- presidential candidate and current president of Nigeria, proclaimed in Yoruba, "Emi ló kán" ("It is my turn"), I employ Systemic Visual Grammar to elucidate how visual frames are strategically utilised to underscore critical issues pertinent to an effective political campaign. The findings indicate that (i) emotional and visual semiotics are instrumental in framing the legitimacy matter, and (ii) visual frames associated with elite closure, kinship, and ethno- religious resources underscore the necessity of executing a speech act with the relevant thematic emphasis. This paper underscores the variations in cultural signals and emotional framing within hybrid political regimes, thereby contributing to the discourse on political communication, particularly regarding frame analysis in such contexts.
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