The Influence of Scandinavian Furniture Design in the Development of Modern Rattan Furniture in Indonesia


  • Mr. Jamaludin Insitut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • Boyke Arief Taufik Firdaus
  • Anwar Subkiman



Indonesian modern rattan furniture, Scandinavian furniture design, influence.


In Indonesia, rattan is one of the natural resources used for furniture materials such as wood. Therefore, rattan furniture has grown has long been developed since the traditional model and developed rapidly in the era of modern design. In the period of traditional furniture, rattan furniture was viewed as cheap furniture, quickly damaged and therefore rarely used for middle-class home furnishings. With the efforts of several design lecturers who are also furniture designers, rattan furniture was then developed with a modern design approach with influence from Scandinavian furniture design. As a result, modern rattan furniture can be accepted into middle-upper class. This study aim is to examine the influence of Scandinavian furniture design particularly Danish furniture design in the early development of modern rattan furniture design in Indonesia.  The influence will be describe in two ways those are product design concepts acquired from Scandinavian design media and academic influence from Indonesian designer who study in Scandinavian countries and develop the rattan furniture in Indonesia. This paper uses the comparative study method to gain an understanding and description of Indonesian rattan furniture design with the influence of Scandinavian furniture design especially Denmark. The result show that Indonesian furniture designers are able to adopt the characteristics of mdoern Scandinavian furniture design that is generally made of wood into the modern design of rattan furniture.



Author Biographies

  • Mr. Jamaludin, Insitut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

    Interior Design Department
    Faculty of Visual Art and Design
    Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

  • Boyke Arief Taufik Firdaus

    Interior Design Department
    Faculty of Visual Art and Design
    Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

  • Anwar Subkiman

    Interior Design Department
    Faculty of Visual Art and Design
    Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung


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